Foto familia huertos comunitario.JPG
  • News The cost-of-living crisis is bringing out a lot of cooperative and collective innovation - especially in Wales, The Daily Alternative (Nov 17, 2022)

October 2022[edit | edit source]

September 2022[edit | edit source]

  • News The Hazards Of Excluding Communities From Active Health Creation – And What To Do About It, Mark McKergow, Village In The City (Sep 27, 2022)
  • News There's an "Alt Tech System" growing - one that communities around the world can access to empower themselves, The Daily Alternative (Sep 19, 2022)
  • News What Preston taught New York City, (Sep 17, 2022)
  • News Energy citizenship: Europe’s communities forging a low-carbon future, The Guardian (Sep 03, 2022)

August 2022[edit | edit source]

  • News Community Calling: People want more influence, New Local (Aug 04, 2022) — There is an appetite for more local control – 79% of people think the best decisions are made when the people who will be affected are closely involved in the process and 75% think that allowing communities to have more of a say in decisions that affect their area would be more effective than decisions taken centrally.

July 2022[edit | edit source]

  • News If 400,000 groups, causes and charities could consciously generate social capital, says Mike Riddell, a "caravan of love" would start, The Daily Alternative (Jul 23, 2022)
  • News Recognising communities and citizens as generative participants in a pluralistic and shared future, and as the people best placed to organise and produce solutions to the problems that affect them, Neighbourhood Democracy Movement (Jul 18, 2022) — Responding to the New Local NHS Paradigms Report
  • News ‘It’s a beautiful thing’: how one Paris district rediscovered conviviality, The Guardian (Jul 14, 2022) — It started with an organised ‘bonjour’. Now the ‘republic of good neighbours’ say they want to reclaim the streets
  • News The Grassroots to Global Reckoning – Part 2, (Jul 14, 2022)
  • News The ‘world’s first library farm’ is home to plush gardens and community innovations, Shareable (Jul 05, 2022) — Since 2011, community members local to The Cicero Branch of the Northern Onondaga Public Library (NOPL) in Upstate New York have tended to a lively library farm, leading innovations in urban farming and food access.
  • News Paris's standing Citizens Assembly has real teeth, shaping policy and laws - and is part of a quiet revolution, The Daily Alternative (Jul 04, 2022)
  • News Rio's residents garden their way out of hunger, BBC News (Jul 02, 2022)

June 2022[edit | edit source]

  • News More flowers, fewer cars: the rewilders turning parking spaces into parks, The Guardian (Jun 22, 2022) — Across the UK and Europe, the ‘parklet’ movement is gaining pace, transforming dead spaces where cars used to be into pockets of green
  • News City compost programs turn garbage into ‘black gold’ that boosts food security and social justice, The Conversation (Jun 11, 2022)
  • News The UK’s first community-run shopping centre will have an “indie feel”- carefully curating their shops, and hosting creatives above, The Daily Alternative (Jun 02, 2022)
  • News From Kerala via Argentina to Bologna, platform cooperatives are thriving (and providing solid pathways to the good life), The Daily Alternative (Jun 01, 2022)

May 2022[edit | edit source]

  • News The Work Project: Imagining Transition, UCL IIPP Blog, (May 31, 2022)
  • News Massive majorities in the UK value their community members most to sort out problems (and MPs least). Power to the lowest level is the cry, The Daily Alternative (May 16, 2022)
  • News Trees, tools and training, Tree Aid (May 11, 2022) — Tree Aid working with entrepreneurs to grow sustainable businesses in Africa's drylands
  • News In a hardscrabble Liverpool location, a community "pantry" (not a food bank) feeds both bodies and souls, The Daily Alternative (May 11, 2022)

April 2022[edit | edit source]

  • News The tallest wind-turbine in England, built by a community network full of agency, in one of Bristol's most deprived areas, The Daily Alternative (Apr 23, 2022)
  • News If you want your place to practice doughnut economics, you can now apply "the four lenses" to any situation, The Daily Alternative (Apr 22, 2022)
  • News Manningtree: The tiny town that dreams of saving the planet, BBC News (Apr 10, 2022)

March 2022[edit | edit source]

  • News Islington Climate Emergency Centre – a movement is growing, (Mar 29, 2022) — "The science is clear. It's not those fighting to put food on the table who need to fix this mess, right? It's the high consuming communities, high consuming individuals who need to act furthest and fastest." Tom Bailey,
  • News Community businesses emerged stronger from pandemic, Locality research reveals, (Mar 16, 2022)
  • News Democracy Made in England: Where Next for English Local Government?, (Mar 09, 2022) — "It is not for the centre at Westminster to decide how local communities should see themselves and how they should be governed, but to set out how those communities can choose their own governance, how citizens can themselves reinvigorate local democracy." Dr Jess Garland, ERS Director of Research and Policy
  • News The “cost-of-living crisis” is real and fixable by wealth taxes. In the meantime, community energy groups and cooperative farms provide help on food and fuel, The Alternative UK (Mar 06, 2022)

February 2022[edit | edit source]

  • News New grants to help communities tackle food and climate change, (Feb 28, 2022) — Grants of up to £5,000 are open to any local food partnership, local authority or community group in the UK.
  • News Building Community Action Through Climate Hubs, Transition Together (Feb 27, 2022) — guide to community-led climate hubs from Zero Carbon Guildford
  • News Chicago set to launch big guaranteed income pilot, (Feb 24, 2022)
  • News The "Great Green Wall" of the Sahel, promising to halt the Sahara's advance, inspires both science and arts, The Alternative UK (Feb 20, 2022)
  • News If we use this website to identify our "Assets of Community Value", communities will exert more power over local land, The Alternative UK (Feb 19, 2022)
  • News Cities must listen to people to find solutions for climate impacts: stories from Cape Town, The Conversation (Feb 14, 2022)
  • News A "makerspace" can be more than just crafting. London's Bloqs shows how it can boost local economy (and autonomy), The Alternative UK (Feb 07, 2022)
  • News These women are combining Indigenous knowledge and science to save coral reefs, (Feb 07, 2022)
  • News New Public Living Room In Norwich, Camerados (Feb 04, 2022)
  • News New Public Living Room In Deal, Camerados (Feb 04, 2022)
  • News How community ownership can secure the UK’s food security through buying family farms, Stir to Action (Feb 03, 2022) — How a national crisis of family-owned farms presents an opportunity for a new generation of community owners

January 2022[edit | edit source]

  • News What do we mean by public luxury? Glorious spaces that people can use and enjoy freely, cutting consumption and increasing connection, The Alternative UK (Jan 28, 2022)
  • News UK Sharing Libraries Network: Strengthening a Movement, (Jan 24, 2022)

See also[edit | edit source]

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Authors Phil Green
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 2 pages link here
Impact 79 page views
Created June 14, 2023 by Phil Green
Modified June 14, 2023 by Phil Green
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