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Authors Nicholas Whisman
Ian Huff
Years 2021
Made Yes
OKH Manifest Download

The BREAD (Broadly Reconfigurable and Expandable Automation Device) Servo Motor Control Slice is a circuit board with an Arduino Nano and five ports at which one can connect a servo motor. Commands can then be sent through the Arduino, allowing the motors to be controlled.

Documentation[edit | edit source]

Command Structure

Argument 1: Command ID

  • Command 1: mode command
  • Command 2: value command

Argument 2: read / write bit (!R/W)

  • 0: read
  • 1: write

Argument 3: Parameter 1

  • Currently always used to specify the motor channel

Argument 4: Parameter 2

  • Currently always used to specify data to be written when !R/W = 1 (write), and always ignored when !R/W = 0 (read)

All 4 of these arguments are stored as integers for the time being.

Command 0 - Test

Does nothing.

Command 1 - Mode


  • 0: read
    • The command will return the motor's mode
  • 1: write
    • Set the motor's mode

Param1: Channel - Select which motor to apply the command to

  • Acceptable values: 0 <= X <= 5


  • Read Mode: N/A
  • Write Mode: Mode to set the motor to

Acceptable Mode Values:

  • 0: Normal Mode
    • Motor will move as fast as possible
  • 1 - 5: Slow Mode
    • Motor will turn more slowly, with 5 being the slowest
    • Values greater than 5 may work, but are untested

Command 2 - Value


  • 0: read
    • The command will return the motor's current position
  • 1: write
    • Set the motor's target position

Param1: Channel - Select which motor to apply the command to

  • Acceptable values: 1 <= X <= 5


  • Read Mode: N/A
  • Write Mode: The position to move the motor to

Slow Mode

When the mode of a motor channel is set to a non-zero value (1 <= X <= 5), the motor will not move at its mazimum speed. Instead, it will turn at a rate determined by the value of the mode, with 1 being the fastest, and 5 being the slowest. Currently, this is implemented by turning the motor by 1 degree every (5 * (mode^2)) loop cycles.

Usage Examples[edit | edit source]

If you wanted the motor connected to channel 5 to turn slowly, you could enter "1, 1, 5, 3":

  • 1 - mode command
  • 1 - write
  • 5 - motor 5
  • 3 - slow mode

The command "1, 0, 5, X" would then return the mode that you previously wrote

  • 1 - mode command
  • 1 - write
  • 5 - motor 5
  • X - this value is ignored, so it can be any integer
  • returns "3" - This is the motor's current mode

To turn the motor to the 180 degree position, you could then enter "2, 1, 5, 180"

  • 2 - value command
  • 1 - write
  • 5 - motor 5
  • 180 - target position

Video Example


Note that the motor in the video is connected to channel 5.

Commands used in the video:

  • 1, 0, 5, 0 - reads the mode that motor 5 is currently set to
  • 2, 1, 5, 0 - turns the motor to the 0 degree position
  • 1, 1, 5, 4 - sets motor 5 to mode 4
  • 1, 0, 5, 0 - reads the mode again
  • 2, 0, 5, 0 - reads the motor's current rotational position
  • 2, 1, 5, 180 - rotates the motor to the 180 degree position

Download[edit | edit source]

A download, which includes the firmware and further documentation, will be made available soon via OSF.

FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Keywords bread, motor, servo, oshe, robotics
Authors Ian Huff
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Organizations MTU
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 1 pages link here
Impact 191 page views
Created December 16, 2021 by Ian Huff
Modified June 18, 2024 by Felipe Schenone
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