OneWorld Application

Brief Description of Organization[edit | edit source]

Appropedia is a living library “wiki” focused on success in two global initiatives:

Appropedia follows an open design approach with “copyleft” sharing, to guarantee free access to the information. Anyone can write or edit articles. Experts can share their knowledge, and others can extend it, and the people who need the expertise can pose questions and get answers. Our goal is share all the good practical solutions in order to empower willing and resourceful people to have a positive impact. Appropedia is currently privately funded as we prepare our application for 501c3 status. No advertising is done on the site.

How does your organization's work fit into partnership with OneWorld?[edit | edit source]

Appropedia fits into partnership with OneWorld by exemplifying OneWorld’s principles. Appropedia’s goals are a just and sustainable world, enabled through people sharing information and connections around the world. Appropedia is growing quickly, yet still needs increased awareness to make the fullest impact to be the full clearinghouse of practical, sustainable ideas that it can be.

Description of OneWorld[edit | edit source]

‘’(The paragraphs below were taken from the OneWorld site, which may be useful if you want to ponder how Appropedia’s work fits into partnership…)’’

“OneWorld is a global information network developed to support communication media of the people, by the people and for the people — everywhere. Its goal is to help build a more just, global society, through its partnership community. OneWorld encourages people to discover their power — power to speak, connect, and make a difference — by providing access to information, and enabling connections between hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of people around the world.

The OneWorld network is driven by the people and organizations it supports — people write the news, provide the video clips and the radio stories. Through this network, individuals have access to information previously unavailable to them — information that can broaden their world view and enable them to make better decisions. There are countless stories of people saving lives, helping their communities, and improving the economic prosperity of their families and villages”

Where to submit[edit | edit source]

Submitted Nov. 20, 2006[edit | edit source]

Great work Curt. The Brief Description of Organization can only be 99 characters, so I shrank it. In addition, I think we should try to write this brief description in other languages as OneWorld serves more than just English.

Breifer Brief Description of Organization[edit | edit source]

A wiki of projects, organizations and howtos focused on reducing poverty and enhancing life through intereducation.

Draft Brief Description of Organization in Spanish[edit | edit source]

Un wiki de los proyectos, de las organizaciones y de los howtos centrados en la reducción de pobreza y realzar vida con la inter-educación.

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