Name: Jeff Kinzer
Status: Perdido en el Mundo
Appropriate Technology[edit | edit source]
Parras 2006 ENGR 480 Project: UTC Solar Distiller
Interests[edit | edit source]
- Sustainable, environmentally sound methods of power generation
- Methods of transportation
- Alternative fuels:
- Hemp Cultivation, processing, implementation (wikipedia: Cannabis Sativa)
- Reduction of dependence upon a monetary system through trade, bartering and community assistance.
Experience[edit | edit source]
- Junk fabrication (reincarnation of objects)
- Organic sustainable farming
- Reduction of consumption and reuse of waste products
- Open Source Software
- Repair.
- Computers (hardware and software)
- Electronics
- Automobiles and mechanical devices
Links[edit | edit source]
- Low cost computer guide
- Free Software Foundation
- Some Popular Linux distributions