Alireza Lorestani
Alireza Lorestani
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Name Alireza Lorestani
Nationality Iran
Languages Persian, English
Skills Java, Kotlin, Android, Python, Git, Linux, Matlab, Machine Learning
Interests Machine Learning, Image Processing, Software Engineering
Registered 2022
Impact 29
Contributions 3D Scanner with 2 laser

Ambitious and focused Computer Engineering student with proven knowledge of programming, researching, problem-solving, and 2+ years experience with android development. I consider myself an expert android developer who can interact with other team members efficiently. Also, I am interested in machine learning and its usages.

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Education[edit | edit source]

  • Bachelor of computer engineering - Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad - 2019 to 2023 - GPA: 16.11
  • Teaching Assistant - Course: "Compiler design fundamentals"
    • Grade the exams and the projects
    • Design practical tasks for students
    • Teach in classes to give homework solutions

Professional Experience[edit | edit source]

  • Android developer - Part Software Group (Jan 2019 - Present)
    • health club application with +50k install on play store
    • signal project which is the most popular financial application in Iran with +5M install on the play store.
  • Android developer intern - Part Software Group (Jul 2019- Dec 2019)

Skills[edit | edit source]

  • Kotlin
  • Java
  • Python
  • C
  • C#
  • Data mining and machine learning
  • Git
  • Android Developing
  • Software testing
  • OO programming
  • Design Patterns
  • Team work
  • Linux

Projects[edit | edit source]

  • Basics of computer and programming
    • Snake game: using C
  • Advanced Programming
    • Restaurant managing software: using C#
    • game: network based, using C#
  • Basics of data mining
    • Preprocessing: using python
    • Association rule mining: apriori, using python
    • Clustering: K-means, using python
  • Artificial intelligence
    • CSP: backtracking, forward checking, MRV, LCV, using Java
    • Inform and uninformed search: BFS, DFS, BDS, UCS, A*, IDA*, using Java
    • Adversarial Search: risk game, minimax algorithm, using python
    • Local search: using Java
  • Computational Intelligence(Machine learning)
    • Clustering with Kmeans, DBSCAN, and MeanShift
    • Classification with SVM, Decision tree and MLP
    • Ensemble learning: random forest, Adaboost, bagging, voting
    • Using sklearn python library
    • Example:
  • Computer Vision
    • Spatial domain operations
    • Image Processing: Applying Different filters on the images
    • Frequency domain operations
    • Color spaces
    • Wavelet
    • Feature detection: SIFT, SURF, BOW
  • Multimedia systems
    • Video encoder – decoder: using python
  • Operating systems
    • Multi-line search engine: multi-thread programming Interprocess communication
    • Processor's scheduler: simulating RR scheduler
  • Data base
    • Spotify database and apis: using php and MySQL
  • Software testing
    • Unit test: using Junit
    • Web page testing: using selenium webdriver and python
  • Web programming
    • Online food ordering website: using react and Django
  • IoT Basics
    • Smart bands: I was responsible for android app
  • Fundamentals of Information Security
    • openSSL Information extractor: using python final project: Linux ac commands, iptables

Achievements[edit | edit source]

  • MPM Sharif 2020 (Sharif university mobile programming marathon)
    • 5th place
    • advance near venues finder application using AR
  • University entrance exam in Iran 2017
    • Being in 7% top students among almost 140,000 contestants

Research Interests[edit | edit source]

  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Natural Language processing
  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Computer vision and image processing
  • Databases and Geographical Information Systems
  • Software Engineering
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