Carbon sequestration[edit source]

If the chimney is to be redirected into the ground, any remaining smoke can be absorbed by the ground. If trees, vegetation is planted atop of the soil, all co² can be absorbed by trees. This would nullify emissions.

Another thought is hot water, via a heat exchanger water can be heated, which (in certain cases) may eliminate the need of a boiler for hot water. See the planet mechanics-episode "Heavy Metal House".

Hope these alterations may be added to the stove's design, as they allow increased efficiency and ecological gain. 05:37, 18 September 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

The hot water idea could be good - just need an affordable heat exchanger. (Mightn't be great efficiency, as long as it's simple and affordable, and gets enough heat into the water to make it worth it.)
Re "If the chimney is to be redirected into the ground..." - this sounds like it would be great if there were a cheap way of forcing the smoke into the ground. In practice, it would be a blocked chimney - rather than forcing through the ground, it would flow back into the house. --Chriswaterguy 17:40, 18 September 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]
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