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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
20:42, 25 August 2015 Concrete Test.jpg (file) 105 KB Zane Middle School, Spring 2015: Concrete Test Results, We got a large block of permeable concrete that could be used as a sample of the pathway we would make. 1
18:28, 12 May 2015 TheGardiens.jpg (file) 65 KB Zane Middle School, Spring 2015: A picture of the Gardiens on Zane's new permeable concrete path and completed Native Memorial Garden. From front-left to back-right: Tatiana Garcia, Justin Myers, Sam de Vroede, Matt Kuljis, Brandon Boutros, and Cody He... 1
22:43, 7 May 2015 DirtyBuisness2.JPG (file) 172 KB Zane Middle School, Spring 2015: Soil Test Results from Dirty Buisness [|] 1
22:39, 7 May 2015 DirtyBuisness1.JPG (file) 167 KB Zane Middle School, Spring 2015: Soil Test Results from Dirty Buisness [|] 1
08:39, 4 May 2015 Designhours.JPG (file) 121 KB Zane Middle School Memorial Garden, Spring 2015: Cody Hennings's pie graph representing total hours spent one Zane's new Native Memorial Garden. 1
07:51, 4 May 2015 Research.JPG (file) 1.35 MB Zane Middle School Memorial Garden, Spring 2015: Cody Hennings doing research on plants and materials for the Native Memorial Garden project. Photo-Credit: Brandon Boutros 1
07:43, 4 May 2015 Enjoy.jpg (file) 345 KB Zane Middle School Memorial Garden, Spring 2015: Brandon Boutros resting in a bed of shredded redwood bark. Photo-Credit: Justin Myers 1
07:31, 4 May 2015 LayingConcrete.JPG (file) 635 KB Zane Middle School Memorial Garden, Spring 2015: Justin Myers (standing), and Cody Hennings (crouched) paving a pervious concrete path through Zane Middle School's new Native Memorial Garden. Photo Credit: Brandon Boutros 1
00:17, 4 May 2015 MixingConcrete.JPG (file) 603 KB Zane Middle School, Spring 2015: Justin Myers mixing pea gravel, cement and water to create our pervious concrete. Photo-Credit: Brandon Boutros 1
00:14, 4 May 2015 DSCN3519.JPG (file) 603 KB Zane Middle School, Spring 2015: Justin Myers mixing pea gravel, cement and water to create our pervious concrete. Photo-Credit: Brandon Boutros 1
20:35, 1 May 2015 Garden-conclusion.jpeg (file) 250 KB Zane Middle School Garden, Spring 2015: This is a temporary photograph of the garden currently until it is complete. 1
20:26, 1 May 2015 Before.JPG (file) 697 KB Zane Middle School Memorial Garden, Early Spring 2015: Before the Gardiens arrived, the memorial garden was overgrown and the students had beaten a path right through the center of it. Photo-Credit: Brandon Boutros 2
19:53, 1 May 2015 Weed Tarp.JPG (file) 649 KB Zane Middle School Memorial Garden, Spring 2015: The Gardiens have rolled up old and no longer effective weed tarps in order to remove all entangled weeds and their roots. Remaining wood chips were later raked up and disposed of. 1
19:44, 1 May 2015 Redwood.JPG (file) 646 KB Zane Middle School Memorial Garden, Spring 2015: Shredded redwood mulch was spread to prevent weed growth, improve the ground's water retention and provide nutrients to surrounding plants. Photo-Credit: Brandon Boutros 1
19:37, 1 May 2015 Planting Plants.JPG (file) 658 KB Zane Middle School Memorial Garden, Spring 2015: Matt Kuljis putting some last touches on the white flowering currant he had recently planted. 1
19:31, 1 May 2015 Digging holes.JPG (file) 637 KB Zane Middle School Memorial Garden Spring 2015: Tatiana Garcia has dug a hole and is mixing soil, getting ready to plant a plant. Photo-Credit: Brandon Boutros 1
19:25, 1 May 2015 Laying Weed Tap.JPG (file) 572 KB Zane Middle School Memorial Garden Spring 2015: Brandon Boutros and Cody Hennings laying down new weed mat. Photo Credit: Tatiana Garcia 1
19:22, 1 May 2015 Building Forms.JPG (file) 577 KB Zane Middle School Memorial Garden: Justin Myers building pathway forms for permeable concrete. Photo-Credit Brandon Boutros 1
19:17, 1 May 2015 Digging Path.JPG (file) 602 KB Zane Middle School Memorial Garden: Justin Myers digging out space for a level path through the garden. Photo Credit: Brandon Boutros 1
19:07, 1 May 2015 Layout Path.JPG (file) 652 KB Zane Middle School Memorial Garden: Brandon Boutros staking the outline of the garden's new path. Photo-Credit: Tatiana Garcia 1
18:53, 1 May 2015 Taking Measurments.JPG (file) 620 KB Zane Middle School Memorial Gardn: Tatiana Garcia and Cody Hennings taking measurements for future garden design. Photo-Credit: Brandon Boutros 1
18:48, 1 May 2015 Tarp and Redwood.JPG (file) 640 KB Zane Middle School Memorial Garden: New Weed Tarp beginning to be covered with a thick layer of shredded redwood mulch. Photo-Cedit: Brandon Boutros 1
20:52, 1 February 2015 10200289316338870 (640x594).jpg (file) 135 KB This is my picture from the time I was hiking up Half Dome. Almost to the top. 2
20:37, 1 February 2015 This-is-Brandon.jpg (file) 42 KB This is during a beach bonfire in San Louis Obispo, when that was allowed. 1
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