Common Cold[edit | edit source]

Influenza a/b viruses are the pathogens responsible for Common Cold.

It is a 'don't bother' stuff in my area/country.

The information that this benign disorder claims a few thousands of lives in the US every year truly shocked me! In this part of the world it is conquered by harnessing simple common things like Pepper, fresh or dried Ginger, fresh Lime/Lemon etc.

CoViDxxxx[edit | edit source]

Symptoms of CoViD19 and Common Cold are identical.

  1. Treatment of COVID19 is nothing more than symptomatic.
  2. Symptoms of CoViD19 and Common Cold are identical.
  3. Hence the procedure to handle and contain Cold will (and in this user's case DID) hold good in the case of a suspected CoViD19 attack during last week of March 2020. It was as follows.
  4. Visited a supermarket and purchased 50 kg groceries on behalf of our Residents'Association and donated to a local Community Kitchen. My nose and mouth were covered by a kerchief well.
  5. Deliberately and cautiously avoided touching unwanted surfaces at the store.
  6. Carried out disinfecting hand-wash with soap and water before entering back the house.
  7. Once inside the house, applied the disinfectant on hands to make things doubly sure.
  8. Contrary to expectation next day felt some mild throat itching and general discomfort.
  9. Took one Blackpepper (homegrown) and kept between teeth and mouth.
  10. On soaking with saliva, cracked the swollen Pepper with wisdom teeth, kept it back behind the teeth and RINCED THE THROAT WITH THE SALIVA-PEPPER JUICE.
  11. The burning solution pierced into the throat tissues.
  14. Repeated the crushing and rinsing process every 5-10 minutes till the juice gave burning sensation.
  15. Finally chewed the inert remainings and swallowed.
  16. Gradually the phlegm in the throat, itching and discomforts vanished but reappeared next day.
  17. Repeated the process and cycle till the symptoms stalled for good.
This is my experience.
Neither scientifically studied nor scientifically proven.

This is an ancestoral knowledge.

Germs and Germ Theory in Aayurveeda perspective[edit | edit source]

Germ[edit | edit source]

  1. All life forms that are invisible to naked eye come under this class.
  2. Those are further divided into two classes - friend & foe.
  3. Those which come under friend class help improve health and growth where as the other does the opposite.
  4. A good example of the friend group is The Gut Bacteria [1]
  5. Presently the most notorious and recently added member of the foe group is none other than the SARS-CoV-2.

Germ Theory[edit | edit source]

  1. Approach of Aayurveeda and modern science in fighting them differ from one another.
  2. Both have merrits and demerits.
  3. Both are incomplete.
  4. If approach of Aayurveeda is compared to a fort built around a palace or city, approach of Modern Science maybe compared to a war fought at a battle field using weapons.

CoViD19 Lockdown to last for two years?![edit | edit source]

A news report of April 15, 2020 quoting a Harward University Study said so!

Screen shot Harward University Study Covid19 Lockdown to last till 2022

More information here

See also[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Keywords health, wellbeing, natural remedies, home remedies
SDG SDG03 Good health and well-being
Authors E.M.George
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Related subpages, pages link here
Impact 226 page views
Created April 13, 2020 by E.M.George
Modified October 23, 2023 by Maintenance script
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