Chris Arcani
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Name Chris Arcani
Affiliations Cal Poly Humboldt
Registered 2015
Impact 114
Contributions Zane Middle School probability machine GID

I grew up in Trinity County, right next to Humboldt, and moved to Humboldt when I was a freshman in high school. I am very independent and self-motivated. I now study at Cal Poly Humboldt with a major in Natural Resources Engineering.

Interests in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • I've always had a passion to build.
  • Understanding how technology works fascinates me.
  • Being able to create something that is useful and effective that other people can't necessarily make interests me.

Experience in Engineering[edit | edit source]

  • Growing up, my brother and I made massive tree forts with out any help from an adult.
  • I've also been interested in tearing apart electronics and figuring out how they work and creating new ways to use them.
  • I worked as a maintenance man for a hotel in Eureka and was able to fix problems by diagnosing a problem, trouble shooting and creating a solution, easily changeable, and aesthetically pleasing for guests.

Portfolio[edit | edit source]

  • Waste Water Treatment Memo
  • Auto Cad Model of Quincunx Emptying Chute
  • Fern Lake Sustainability Spreadsheet
  • Engineering 215 Design Document: Quincunx
  • Engineering 215 Design Project Planning Gantt Chart
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